Research and innovation for the industrialisation of composites

A global service offer for our customers

Commissioning of special machines

Each project that has been designed and manufactured inhouse is first validated by the customer during the Pre Acceptance stage at our facililty. After this Pre Acceptance the equipment is dismantled, packed, and transported to the final destination by our timely worldwide shipping service.

Then we do installation and perform commissioning aswell as the training of the operators that will work with the industrial means.

  • Formation machine spéciale pour composite
  • Mise en service machine spéciale

Training in the use of industrial equipment

TME’s know-how is based on more than 30 years of experience in the production of composite parts. Our training courses are delivered by our experts in our premises, or on your site.

• Specific training ” Operator “: 3 days
• Specific training ” Maintenance “: 2 days

At the end of these training days, you will have all the necessary skills to properly understand the operation of our equipment. A training certificate will be provided to each person who has received the training.

In addition to the above trainings, we can also offer you preventive and/or corrective maintenance services on your site.